*What you will need…
-BYOB (Bring your own bicycle)
-backpack and/or panniers to carry supplies
-lights for front and rear of bike
-comfortable clothing (suited for 2-3 miles of easy riding)
-gloves (if it is cold outside)
-A giving spirit
*That is, if you are planning to ride.
Be mindful of…
-Stick together. Make sure you are with two to three people at all times and near the larger group at all times (the larger group will contain a specified leader).
-Approach someone with no more than two or three people. Sometimes our neighbors on the streets are intimidated by large groups of people.
-When you approach someone, turn off or cover your lights. Nobody likes flashing lights in their eyes, especially when they are trying to rest.
-If you take a picture of or with someone, ask for permission. It maybe that the area a person is sitting or standing is their home. They may not want it photographed.
-Respect people as you would want them to respect you.
-When you approach someone say, “Have you had dinner tonight? I have some burritos that I am handing out.” This respectfully invites the person to take part in a meal that you have prepared for them. Do not ask, “Are you homeless?” “Hey, do you need food?” Or, “Are you hungry?”
-Ride as if the motorists do not see you at all times.
-Obey traffic laws.